Of St. George Greek Orthodox Church, Bob Roloff wrote:
One day in 1983 John Bozalis stopped by my office and told me his church wanted to build a new building and he wanted me to design it. I reminded John that I had been turning down church interviews for several years. He pleaded and said that he would be very embarrassed if the church had to hire another architect to design his church. I knew John was not capable of designing anything. He agreed to work with the building committee if I would design and supervise construction documents. Reluctantly I agreed knowing that I would regret it. One day while reviewing accounts receivable with my secretary I asked why we had not billed the church for the final phase of our work. “Because Mr. Bozalis donated it to the church,” was the reply. He had said nothing to me. This was so typical of John that I should not have been surprised--after all the pleading and promises of how grateful he would be if I would design the church for him. I was a 90% partner and John was a 10% partner, so for every ten dollars John donated, nine dollars belonged to me and one dollar belonged to John.This job is the unofficial end of Robert B. Roloff's career. The text ends a brief history he wrote about his life as an architect. The report is available from the Oklahoma History Center.
In 1984 I started ending what Mr. Bailey had started almost eighty years earlier. By 1985 I had completed work at Leadership Square and in California. Glenn Dickinson wanted to return to the office. I had advised everyone that my wife had cancer and I was going to retire. With Glenn we opened a small office in Citizens Bank Tower next door to engineers Vic Schuelein and Bill Halpain. I wanted to also retire my name from the practice so I changed the name to BDR. I retired. John continued to take credit for things he did not do and Glenn went to work for Vic Schuelein.